By Hank
United Kingdom
Has anyone eaten wild garlic ? I understand there is some within 200 yards of me and will be going to investigate later. But I'm told it's not half as pungent as the bulbs ?
Has anyone grown it from seed or does one dig roots up and transplant it - and lastly - am I allowed to dig roots up assuming I find any ?
17 Apr, 2017
I would only recommend eating the leaves and stems, you can make pesto with but the actual cloves need to be left in the ground.
17 Apr, 2017
And preferably not in your ground - once they're in, they take over...
17 Apr, 2017
Thanks for the replies.
But I have a just made a very small plot quite separate from everything else - about 5 ft by 18 inches which I thought might be suitable. No ?
17 Apr, 2017
No if the garlic is growing in the wild that is where it needs to stay... your digging it up would be not different to digging up wild primroses or bluebells...
17 Apr, 2017
Grow chives instead - the leaves are mild oniony tasting and much less invasive, you can eat the flowers, and the flowers are very attractive ornamentally anyway. Wild garlic also spreads by seed which may be blown on the wind, so it likely won't stay where you put it.
17 Apr, 2017
I tried using wild garlic leaves when cooking. No taste at all but I haven't tried the bulbs. As everyone says though, it's rampant once it gets going and your garden will stink to high heaven!
17 Apr, 2017
I've not tried coking with it but it is nice raw.
17 Apr, 2017
If I've time tomorrow I'll be down the woods searching for it,
17 Apr, 2017
You can also set the flowers. I wouldn't recommend you putting any in your garden, I am pulling it out all the time as its so invasive.
17 Apr, 2017
Be absolutely sure of your identification. Some years ago a couple of people died after eating the bulbs of Colchicum autumnale, autumn crocus, thinking they were wild garlic.
18 Apr, 2017
Thanks everyone, very helpful.
18 Apr, 2017
God knows how anyone could think Colchicum autumnal was wild garlic! Hank it should be in flower now and will smell quite strongly or garlic!
18 Apr, 2017
Sadly My sense of smell isn't the best but I mean to find some.
18 Apr, 2017
Well Colchicum autumnal should all be below the ground right now... if you have any doubts sow some chives :)
18 Apr, 2017
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If its so near you Hank leave it where it is and gather what you want from there. It can be very very invasive. Try a leaf in a good thick ham sandwich - very nice. Eat it outside in the sunshine for a good picnic feel. I knew some cheese makers years ago who added the leaves to one of their cheeses .Never heard of anyone using the cloves though.
17 Apr, 2017