By Alanjohn
I planted my Runner bean seeds outdoors two weeks ago no sign at all of them shooting were have I gone wrong
2 Jun, 2017
Hi Alanjohn, where are you on the planet? It does make a difference!
2 Jun, 2017
Have you had enough rain?
(Like your new avatar MG!)
2 Jun, 2017
Thx. Stera!
2 Jun, 2017
welcome GoY.
they may have been eaten by mice too.
I grow mine in pots in multipurpose compost. sowing them in April in the greenhouse and then they are hardened off in early May and planted out late May.
3 Jun, 2017
You need lots of water, also patience. Might just need a little longer.
4 Jun, 2017
If you live, for example, in the north of Scotland growing runner beans outdoors is impossible French, climbing, beans are fine but not runners - hence I asked you where you live Alan.
4 Jun, 2017
Try digging one up to see where it's at. Many possibilities as why they haven't grown. Try starting them inside in peat pots them plant them out after they've grown on a bit.
2 Jun, 2017