By Jenlewis
United Kingdom
For Bambo -
Last year you gave me some advice after I had pruned late in summer a climbing rose that was in a very sorry state that I had found in my newish garden. Thanks to your advice, it surived the winter. I'm over the moon that it did as I think it is probably my favourite plant in this garden so just wanted to say thank you :-)

2 Jun, 2017
It is lovely, I took the photo in between showers so still have to check for scent. Just thought you spend so much of your time helping us with our questions that it might be nice to find out what happened after lol. Did a blog on it today and some of the suggestions are Ferdinand Pichard or Bright ideas. Love it so much have spent part of today looking up how to try and take cutting lol. Thanks again.
2 Jun, 2017
I have one that looks like this, it grows in our wild hedge in between blackthorn, nettles & cleavers. I believe it to be a wild rose.
See here:
2 Jun, 2017
Thanks green finger, just looked it up and does look a bit similar but there are also tons of cultivated ones that look similar as well, like
Rosa Mundi
Ferdinand Pichard
Henri Matisse
Bright Ideas plus a few others.
It must also have been such a nice find for you. Is it still growing there?
2 Jun, 2017
Yes, it's still there with about 9 buds, amazingly OH hasn't ripped it out when last battling with the blackthorn.
3 Jun, 2017
Oh blackthorn, swear word lol. Previous owner had allow tons to grow here in my problem corner. I've been doing battle with over last year so feel for you both.
3 Jun, 2017
It's def a thorny subject, lol. We broke the chipper trying to shred bits of it.
Good luck with your rose id & cuttings.
3 Jun, 2017
Thanks Green fingers, I've got my fingers crossed :-).
4 Jun, 2017
Wow, that;'s a lovely flower - now I'm wondering which rose it is, is it scented? Glad it recovered well.
2 Jun, 2017