By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
I've grown some Dahlias from tubers, they look nice & heathy, do I pinch the tops out that are about to flower so the plant bushes out or can I enjoy the first plowers first?
Jackie x
4 Jun, 2017
Unless you want giant blooms and then you take out all the side shoots. My dad had some magnificent blooms.
4 Jun, 2017
If they are about to bloom, it is too late to pinch--all that you will accomplish is to remove the first flowers. Better to pinch them much earlier, when the sprouts only have two or three pairs of leaves.
4 Jun, 2017
Topping off the dahlias will result in a bushier, sturdier plant with more flowers than if you didn't top off. However, deadheading all the spent blooms could be tedious.
4 Jun, 2017
Hi Jackie
best to nip it out as it will make it more bushy and you will end up with more flowers ....
4 Jun, 2017