By Charnwood
Good evening all, I've taken out 2 trees as they were too shady but I've now lost some privacy so what can I put in place of them as I need a shrub or something to go several feet above the wall, one will be just at my front window which gives me a view of my neighbours as they get out of their car I can see them from my sofa which nether of us really wants, any ideas please also non desidious. Thanks

11 Jul, 2017
Maybe Bamboo?
11 Jul, 2017
Oh lord not bamboo, invasive species that it is!
11 Jul, 2017
You'll also need to remove the stumps of the previous trees and get a lot of good organic material into the soil.
11 Jul, 2017
Thank you all! we are going to drill holes and try to rot the stumps which I know will take awhile. I was thinking maybe a Laurel or Choysia?
11 Jul, 2017
Put an Arbour there and grow a Clematis or Rose over it maybe? Nice to look out at :o))
11 Jul, 2017
If you are only going to rot the stumps it is going to be a while before you can replant with evergreen shrubs - sorry.
12 Jul, 2017
I would say that the evergreen honeysuckle is the way to go. I really would stress that if you don't remove the old stumps rather than wait from them to rot away, then they will come back to haunt you unless you like challenges.
12 Jul, 2017
Agree with Jimmy... stumps need removing before you try and plant anything. Evergreen honeysuckle is certainly a possibility.
12 Jul, 2017
An arbour is a lovely idea . . . and by the way, there are several species of bamboo that are not invasive!
12 Jul, 2017
I agree with Sheilabub regarding bamboo, I have had Phyllostachys bamboo growing alongside a boundary fence for more than 10 years and it has not been at all invasive to me or my neighbour.
12 Jul, 2017
Mmmm! I like the sound of that Bamboo :o)) thanks for the name of it x
12 Jul, 2017
Jaykaty, you have been very lucky with your bamboo. Phyllostachys can be a nightmare, throwing up their roots everywhere. If you go to a garden centre with mature subjects of this bamboo you can see how their roots have filled the heavy duty plastic pots so much as to distort them. The garden centres even sell rolls of Rootguard to plant around the roots to stop them from running riot in the garden.
12 Jul, 2017
Very, very lucky with Phylostachys. Ours has to be attacked with an axe at the roots to stop it wandering and our is growing in just 18 inches of soil over a concrete floor.
If you do go down the evergreen climber route then make sure you get a good flowering form of Honeysuckle. Some of the evergreen ones are a bit reluctant to flower.
You could try a Chocolate Vine (forgotten the name for the moment), but they can be a bit rampant too.
13 Jul, 2017
Mmmmm! I'm keeping my Bamboo in a pot after all LOL xx
14 Jul, 2017
is it your wall? if it is I'd add a trellis and then an evergreen climber like one of the clematis or an evergreen honeysuckle.
there are some good ones and if you enrich the soil then you could plant 2 or 3 that will flower at different times.
11 Jul, 2017