By Miajayde
United Kingdom
Hi, I'm a complete gardening novice and planted some seedlings but forgot to label the pots! Please could someone tell me what this is? I've planted parsley, basil, red peppers, jalepenos, corn, tomatos and cucumbers. Thanks in advance!

15 Jul, 2017
Thank you, it's my first time growing anything and I only planted them a week ago so very inexperienced! ?
15 Jul, 2017
I keep in a scrapbook all the empty seed packets. I place a number with a marker pen on the packet and the same number on a popsicle stick(you can get a bag of those in any food store). The popsicle stick with the reference number is then placed in the pot or seed starter. You might find this method helpful.
15 Jul, 2017
Need to see the true leaves rather than the cotyledons before we can really help you. Whatever it is in the 2nd pot doesn't look like any of the veg. you say you planted!
15 Jul, 2017
Couldn't the second pot show corn before its put out any leaves MG?
Note that cotyledons are the first 'leaves' but they're not true leaves, the second set will be the true leaves, when it might become clear what they are.
15 Jul, 2017
Possibly Bamboo but I've never grown corn so difficult to know. I would say it is very late in the season to be starting any of the veg. off, aside from the herbs. Normally you start growing in early spring and, by now you have mature plants getting ready to start producing fruit. We're almost a month past the longest day and as the light diminishes so will the growing of the plants. Is there a reason why you sowed them so late Mia?
15 Jul, 2017
Welcome to Goy, and all the best with your gardening - there's always people here ready to do their best to help.Don't want to depress you but its rather too late to get much of a crop from these now.(A very natural mistake for a newby) Except there's still time for basil, and that's easy to identify by the smell when it gets a few leaves. Parsley may well grow in time as well but it can take ages - I used to be told it goes seven times to the devil before it germinates!. It usually tells you on the seed packets when to sow. We all learn as we go so if they don 't come to anything do try again next year .
15 Jul, 2017
Thank you all, I'm a complete beginner, I've never tried growing herbs or veg before and got carried away at the garden centre which is why they are sowed late, one to remember for next year!
15 Jul, 2017
From the top, cucumbers, corn, and basil. These are among the few cotyledons that I recognize. It will probably be hard to tell between the red peppers and the jalapenos until they have at least six true leaves, at which point the red pepper leaves will be larger and more recurved.
16 Jul, 2017
Thank you! Even if they don't come too much, I'll definitely be trying again next year!
16 Jul, 2017
Previous question
« My geums are coming to the end of flowering. I'm cutting the flowering stalks...
Not parsley, tomatoes, basil or corn. That narrows it down a bit! I don't know what Jalopenos are. Could be red peppers or cucumbers ( latter usually sown 2 to a pot) & the strongest kept.
15 Jul, 2017