By Hank
United Kingdom
I always thought that courgettes were like small cucumbers, but my daughter in California grew the one below. She tells me it weighed 3 lbs. Surely this is not normal ?

29 Jul, 2017
Courgettes are more like small marrows than cucumbers and, along with marrows, pumpkin and squash are members of the cucurbit family.
29 Jul, 2017
Thanks for the replies, it's a pity I don't like them as a friend of mine has far too many.
29 Jul, 2017
Oh boy... send them to me lol!
29 Jul, 2017
I agree with Tug. Though the size is impressive, the huge ones can be bitter and difficult to eat. The smaller ones are nicer to eat.
30 Jul, 2017
How can you guys eat these ? You must have a special recipe to give them any taste at all.
30 Jul, 2017
Lots of people use them to make ratatouille Hank - I don't like them much, slimy things, but I do buy baby ones, run 'em through the grating plate in the food processor with a small onion, a tomato or two and a block of cheese, then make courgette cheese on toast with the resulting mix. Very tasty, and a way of eating more veg! Other people use them in spiralizers to make courgette spaghetti - not sure how they eat that though, maybe with some sort of dressing over the top, like a salad, but raw grated courgette is much nicer than cooked. But worse than courgette is marrow, I don't get why people eat that at all.
30 Jul, 2017
I once used a recipe for Stuffed Marrow. What happened was that the family ate the stuffing and left the marrow....
30 Jul, 2017
Oh yes, I know that one, that's what we all did the one time I tried it as a dish on the family! Never bothered again...
30 Jul, 2017
Me neither!
30 Jul, 2017
Stuffed marrow? Lovely. No point in making just for two of us though.
Courgetti? Brilliant. Just use it like spaghetti with whatever you would normally have like a bolognese sauce etc
30 Jul, 2017
It's good job we're all different isn't it.. good to know what people use spiralized courgettes for, I always wondered...
30 Jul, 2017
Sounds as if you're a top chef b, as well as a gardener ?
30 Jul, 2017
Oh ha ha, certainly not Hank, actually that cheese on toast thing I got off someone on a gardening site,might have been this one or another one, can't remember. Whoever it was used to do something similar but with bacon on top for her husband as a lunch just to use up some of the excess of their courgettes, so that's where I got the idea from. I do try to eat as many varied veg as possible (though I'm not very good at getting my five a day) and I can't stand ratatouille, which would be a good way of packing in more, cos its got peppers and tomatoes as well as courgettes.
30 Jul, 2017
Previous question
Pretty common, especially if you miss one among all those huge leaves. Sometimes the big ones can be bitter around the seeds, though.
29 Jul, 2017