By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
I bought a pot of Ornithogalum thyrsoides a couple of months ago and in the pot were hundreds of little bulbs about 4mm wide so I put them in a large plug tray with compost. They have grown leaves about 6ins long and have little bulbils along them. They seem to be some kind of grass. Anyone out there know what they are and should I bin them?

31 Jul, 2017
Yes, that's what I thought originally Cammomile but there are small seed pods where the flowers have faded on the plant so I'm not sure now. A lot of the small bulbs were on, or close to, the surface of the pot and yes, I already tried the smell test. No oniony smell at all.
1 Aug, 2017
I would be inclined to wait and see. It would be a shame if they are from the parent bulb. Can you separate them, plant them up and see what happens?
1 Aug, 2017
Yes they are already in plug compartments in a plug tray and this is what's come up. I pulled this one for the photo but I have lots now.
1 Aug, 2017
I would think they are from the plant as they grow from bulbs. Failing that if they smell of garlic, they could be wild garlic bulbs, but unlikely.
31 Jul, 2017