United Kingdom
I have a couple of blueberry bushes and they have sprouted what looks like sucker shoots,do I prune them off or are they new shoots
21 Aug, 2010
I think I have already answered this one! Don't prune them off, they are a different colour because they are young and vigorous. They will branch and flower next year with fruit to follow.
Please read this....or this could go on forever...Lol
21 Aug, 2010
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« Would you recommend growing a "Rambling Rector" Rose up an Oak tree
My blueberry bush has two main trunks with small branches out from them, I prune the centre growth to keep it open (cup shaped) as that is what I had read up on to do, I haven,t noticed any suckers growing from the outside! but if I do I think I would be pruning these off so as to keep a better shape.
21 Aug, 2010