By Caligula1
United Kingdom
My conifer over 30 years old has survived many a drought but this year is slowly going brown. I have sprayed ity with Provado ultimate systemic pest control but will it survive?

21 Aug, 2010
My words exactly.
21 Aug, 2010
Well, we do sometimes agree, don't we! LOL.
22 Aug, 2010
I sprayed it as on a BBC gardening site this was the thing to do as the problem was almost certainly due to thrips or some such pest.I was recom Provado systemic bug control. I really think though that you are right.
23 Aug, 2010
It's a shame, though. :-((
23 Aug, 2010
Why did you spray it - are there signs of infestation?
I'm afraid I think that your tree is probably on its way out. It looks from your photo as though the inner branches are brown - and once they turn brown on the outside too, it's the beginning of the end for conifers. I'm sorry. Try to think of it as an opportunity to plant something different...
21 Aug, 2010