By Sharon25
United Kingdom
My garden was badly neglected for years and the lawn is in a terrible state. Lumps and bumps, patchy grass and weeds all over. Have tried spiking, feeding and sowing grass seed but nothing I do has made much improvement.
Would it be best just to bite the bullet, dig the whole thing up and start again?
21 Aug, 2010
My Son is in the same position as you! he has finished modernising the house and now he has to tackle the garden! it has more lumps and bumps than a ploughed field, I think you should hire a Rotavator it will be quicker in the long run! its no good using Weed and Feed if you have great mounds and dips allover is it?
21 Aug, 2010
Hi Sharon and welcome to GoY, take this as an opportunity to have the garden you want. Do you want the grass where it is or somewhere else - do you actually want grass at all? Have a good think about what you want to use the garden for and how much time you will have to spend working in it and then set up accordingly. Tub, Maggie is correct there is no point in using weed and feed on the grass if there are great bumps and humps in it. In any case weed and feed should be used in spring now August.
21 Aug, 2010
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have you weed and feeded it ? we use wilkinsons liquid weed and feed and there grass
21 Aug, 2010