By Carolita
United Kingdom
My plum tree this year is LOADED with fruit, but every other plum has a worm in it. Why does this happen, and how can I prevent it happening next year?
Thank you!
6 Aug, 2017
It might be Plum Moth - the 'worms' inside are the larvae of the moth. You can get pheremone traps which are hung in the tree which help, but you may need to spray as well. Extensive information in the link below, you'll need to copy and paste into your browser
6 Aug, 2017
Thank you both very much. You've given me hope for next year!
7 Aug, 2017
welcome to GoY Carolita.
this probably happened when the blossom was in flower. possibly coddling moth larvae.
in the winter you can put a grease band around the trunk to trap the females as she crawls up the tree.
6 Aug, 2017