United Kingdom
Quick question! While browsing about the question from Carolthegardener about Clematis, I found pictures of Clematis 'Wildfire' which looks superb. Is it really as striking as the picture shows, picture here:
and on Wikipedia, or is it less of a contrast?
Also does anyone grow Clematis from seed and is it sucessful?
8 Aug, 2017
I've never bothered with seed since layering works very well for me.
8 Aug, 2017
Like Owdboggy I ahve grown species clematis from seed. I have aquired my seed from a seed exchange where current years seed is submitted in October and the seed distributed the following January to be sown straight away. This has worked well enought for me.
8 Aug, 2017
This looks very like one Hywel wanted identifying a few weeks ago. Have a look through his recent blogs and questions.
8 Aug, 2017
Thank you all for your replies. Seems fresh seed is needed so perhaps relying on buying some on the internet is possibly not a good idea, so thanks for that bit of info Owd.
Hazeyboo - layering is fine if you have the plant to start with, if not it's a matter of finding it or growing from seed.
Seed exchanges are a great idea Bulbaholic and I used to belong to the Primula one, but a few seeds off the internet will possibly be old.
I will have a look at Hywel's questions for that Stera, thanks.
8 Aug, 2017
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Have grown species Clematis from seed, especially the herbaceous types. Very easy as long as the seed is fresh. the seed has a very short life span so dried seed is often dead.
8 Aug, 2017