By Hank
United Kingdom
Not a question, just a terrible waste of a great many beautiful cooking apples.
I've lived here for 45 years and this tree has always been about 20 feet tall and has performed every year as shown below. No-one has ever pruned it or taken any notice of it at all and only 1 of the 5 neighbours I've had ( little old lady) has allowed me to pick and distribute them. ( 10 big bucketfuls !).
I t's such a shame to see them falling off and go to waste.

8 Aug, 2017
Oh Hank what a shame ,in this day and age,when people are going to food bank,seeing those lovely apples going to waste,apple pies,apple crumble,I will shut up now.
8 Aug, 2017
Incredible isn't it -- you see this quite often nowadays. I'm planning to try to scrounge some from the widower up the road this year - no way can he use the produce of four trees...
You just need a bit of cheek Cammomile - you never know, they might be glad of someone who will use them. Try asking if you could buy some and they might just say oh no, just help yourself...
8 Aug, 2017
Good luck,Steragram.
8 Aug, 2017
Just remembered that on the occasions I was allowed to get my ladder up and pick them, I gave them to friends and still having a surplus I Put some in a box at my gate along with an invitation to " take some ", on 3 occasions someone took the box !
8 Aug, 2017
Haha that's people for you.There is always one or in your case three.
8 Aug, 2017
They probably sold them in their corner shop, in a town somewhere.
8 Aug, 2017
I'd be very happy if anyone wanted to pick my plums or apples, I can't eat them myself (or pick them). Seems that everyone round here has their own trees, though.
8 Aug, 2017
Oh landgirl,I wish I lived by you.
8 Aug, 2017
Does the UK have anything like the "Gleaners" or "Waste Not"?
8 Aug, 2017
Me too!
10 Aug, 2017
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Can anyone tell me why the apples are falling off my pation tree »
There's a couple of apple trees on my way to a friend's house and they let the apples drop and rot every year. Neither of us have the courage to ask if we can have some!
8 Aug, 2017