By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Former pear tree area. Had old pear tree removed with stump grinder only now to have constant suckers pop up. Am planning to level area, reseed and would like to kill off remaining roots/root stump that are producing these. What is the best way to do this? Thanks

18 Aug, 2017
Ok thanks. Sigh- another job to add to my to do list!
18 Aug, 2017
Sorry Amsterdam
18 Aug, 2017
No worries- it has to be done. Using my summer holidays to get a long list of jobs done, reseeded patches of grass today between showers. It goes from 23C sunny to 16C grey and showers on a regular basis!
18 Aug, 2017
you could try cutting the stems off close to the ground and then paint on brush wood killer [sbk] you may have to keep repeating this with any other suckers that pop up.
18 Aug, 2017
Unfortunately you are going to have to dig out the roots of the pear tree or it will continue to sucker...
18 Aug, 2017