Hello, I am having a problem with my oregano plants seeding.
By Franco3588
I have been waiting for a few months for my oregano to seed but never has.
I am in Canton, China. The average temp now is between 10 and 18 C. Oregano continues to grow (as long as I water it more frequently now), but no seeds....
Thank you for any advice....... Franco3588
23 Aug, 2010
Are there any signs of trails? If slugs and snails you can get some copper tape around your tubs I have tried this and it seems to work the copper gives them a very mild electric shock so they will do a U turn when they get to it
23 Aug, 2010
Thanks for your reply, but there are no trails of any kind, I've looked very carefully, no trails, no bird footprints. Also, I'm on the third floor, birds is the thought I've had, but I have "streamers of colorful material that "flutters" with the gentlest breeze and that should scare the birds away - I think maybe I could get help if we find out what likes to eat just parsley and how would slugs, etc., get at the leaves? The stems are not sturdy enough to hold them. I think I'll do a search and find out what likes to eat parsley leaves and post it later if I find anything useful... (If you look back here at a photo I posted previously of a problem I had with something destroying a plant I was growing thinking it was rosemary, and whatever it was - it was just destroying the plant, nothing more..... and it did the same this time, ate my parsley and broke off all the leaves of the other as it used to)..... Now I don't even have one leaf of parsley to enjoy.....:-(..... Thanks again ...... franco3588
23 Aug, 2010
Thank you, there are no trails of any kind..... anything else other than "copper tape"? - not here in China, I just came back from hardware store, guy had no clue about copper tape.......Do birds eat parsley? I never see any birds around.... and there are not any kinds of prints - nothing....as if the leaves magically disappear - and just the parsley.... why not the basil or oregano....there is so much of them.....well, maybe a screen around the new ones???
Thanks again,
23 Aug, 2010
Hi Franco, slugs, snails, caterpillars? Not sure what beasties you have there.
23 Aug, 2010