By Daylily
West Midlands,
Hi all, any tips I need to know on lifting and splitting agapanthus please, thanks
9 Sep, 2017
I usually do mine in the spring before growth starts and if it is a big congested lump I use an old bread knife and saw it apart. then replant water and off you go.
this is the method used by Steve Hickman one of the agapanthus specialists that visited out HPS group a few years ago.
9 Sep, 2017
Everybody seems to have old bread knives - lol, we are still cutting bread with ours...(sorry Daylily - hope they do well)
9 Sep, 2017
Oh thanks all, that's great I've had it some years it's just got congested with couch grass and hasn't flowered well atall this year I will probably do in the spring (yes I've got an old bread knife lol ) cheers :-)
9 Sep, 2017
I bought a new bread knife so that I had an old one :o)))
10 Sep, 2017
I have a feeling a quick wash and wipe and back in the kitchen it goes lol
10 Sep, 2017
You're talking my language GG!
10 Sep, 2017
my daughters caught me doing that so I bought a new one :o)
10 Sep, 2017
Lol - don't let them rule your life!
10 Sep, 2017
Still got my set from when got married nearly 29 years ago it's one of them !!
11 Sep, 2017
Just to add another option, i struggled in February to either separate with 2 forks, or even to saw with the bread knife. The clump was absolutely solid. I eventually had to take a large spade, blade sitting on the top of the clump, and used a mallet to chop the spade through. It was thoroughly nerve wracking. Of the resulting 4 clumps, 2 flowered beautifully, and 2 were a bit sparce, but now all look very healthy and i look forward to 4 plants next year.
11 Sep, 2017
Thanks Sophie it's been in a long time so this could be the case, we shall see:-))
11 Sep, 2017
Hi Daylily
"lifting and splitting"
Now is the best time before the leaves die down or early spring just before the growth starts .... If doing now I would trim the foliage by half . I normally use two garden forks back to back when spitting once you have lifted up a clump , you may have to be ruthless but they will be fine.
A old bread knife is useful as well ...
If growing in the border the soil its still warm and moist great time for them to settle in before winter sets in.
9 Sep, 2017