By Littlelegs
United Kingdom
17 minutes to answer.
Is it worth buying a 200 clump of crocosmia for 3 quid.
23 Aug, 2010
I would say no:( as they speard so much personally I would not want that many.
23 Aug, 2010
Judging by the info given to my post about Montbretia (crocosmia) I would think anyone would let you have them free of charge.LOL
23 Aug, 2010
Which one anyway? and 200 is rather a lot - 6 would be 12 in a year or less anyway.
23 Aug, 2010
I suspect that its the old fashiond orange Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Montbretia). This one ends up in huge clumps of densely packed corms and sends stolons out from the clump to form new colonies. A bit thuggish but ok for the wild garden.
23 Aug, 2010
If you're right, Fractal, I wouldn't give it houseroom...
23 Aug, 2010
I wouldn't Littlelegs we are constantly digging this out as in makes its way from our neighbours garden to our own.
23 Aug, 2010
If it was 'naked ladies'--- especially waterlily possibly but definitly not montbretia
23 Aug, 2010
You don't get much for £3 nowadays. Buy them. Pot them up. Sell them at car boot sales for £3 each next year when they're growing away well.
(£597 profit!)
23 Aug, 2010
Postage will be more than £3 from the ebay seller.
23 Aug, 2010
What a bargain!
23 Aug, 2010
Thanks all, I got out bid anyway. I like the boot sale idea Bertie. The picture showed a hugh clump but did'nt say which one.
23 Aug, 2010
Bloomin' 'eck Littlelegs, if you're that desperate for some Crocosmia, I'll send you some if you send me the postage, the one I've got is Crocosmia Lucifer, and I'll be thinning it out sometime in September/October - and chucking loads I expect.
23 Aug, 2010
I take great pleasure from weeding out crocosmia when I'm building gardens. Lovely flowers, but too much associated greenery. Nice to see in someone else's garden
Phil J
23 Aug, 2010
If that 200 corms and includes P & P I'd say... even though you don't know how old they are, and how many have flowered.. oooh its a toughie, but I think I would.. yes...
23 Aug, 2010