By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
/Weigela & Forsythia are flowering, this mild weather is sure confusing our plants or is this quite normal?
10 Oct, 2017
Sorry your Forsythia has been fooled by the weather - don't suppose it will be able to manage a repeat performance in March but do let us know if it does!
10 Oct, 2017
My Weigela too has a few flowers on it at the moment and so has my spirea bridal wreath. Very confusing weather for them.
10 Oct, 2017
Very strange. Mine is still developing buds for next Spring
10 Oct, 2017
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My Weigela have all got a few flowers on too Ladyessex. Often we get a second flush in late summer. The best at the moment is 'Bristol Ruby'.
10 Oct, 2017