By Sarahp
United Kingdom
Hi I am new to growing agapanthus, I love them and have got 4 pots this year, I'm going to cover them in fleece for the winter but do I need to trim the foliage which is still quite lush. Thanks
20 Oct, 2017
Not necessarily evergreen, Moon Grower, my deciduous ones are still in full, healthy leaf, and as Sarahp is in Hampshire, its entirely possible hers are too.
Do you know the varietal names of the ones you have? some are hardier than others...
20 Oct, 2017
That's a point Bamboo, I sometimes forget that our 'bulbs' die back earlier!
20 Oct, 2017
No I'm afraid I don't know the varieties, I think I'll leave the foliage, just not sure how I'm going to smother with hay or sand with foliage being so lush that's why I was thinking covering with fleece
Thanks for your help
20 Oct, 2017
Leave them in the most sheltered, sunny spot you've got, maybe up against a wall or something, clustered together and uncovered, and leave the foliage in place. As the winter starts and progresses, insulate the pots with bubble wrap or fleece, and if it gets really cold (below O deg C) then put fleece over the top - but remove it when it warms up again. The trouble with fleece is, you can't leave it in place on top of plants all winter, it should be removed during milder spells.
21 Oct, 2017
Great thanks so much for your advice
21 Oct, 2017
Thanks Bamboo . . . you've helped me too! My Agapanthus will have to stay in its pot through the winter, but maybe I can get it into the cold frame now that the foliage has died down.
22 Oct, 2017
. . . and, I have just discovered another tip for winter care, "only water when the top two inches are dry". These are such glorious plants, it's worth going to some trouble to save them.
22 Oct, 2017
If they're exposed to the elements, no need to water at all from November up to probably February or even March.
22 Oct, 2017
Is there anything you don't know Bamboo?! You are so good to spend so much time answering all our questions - I for one am very grateful.
22 Oct, 2017
There's loads I don't know, Sheilabub! I've no idea what dark matter is, cannot begin to grasp quantum theory, no idea how a refrigerator or my car works, nor why my glasses disappear apparently of their own volition, (maybe its summat to do with Schrodinger's cat...), am constantly puzzled by the idea that some protons (or maybe its neutrons) are there but disappear if you look at them, or why there's always an odd sock in the laundry, why 'improved' products seem to be worse, not better, there's an endless list of stuff I know sweet fanny adams about...! Thanks for the thanks though;-))
22 Oct, 2017
I take it you have the evergreen variety of Agapanthus if the foliage is still lush, no don't cut back and rather than covering in fleece over winter use something like a dry mulch of sand or straw.
20 Oct, 2017