By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I know this is a strange question but I'm looking for the name of a weed that I used to gather to feed my rabbits [among other food, of course] when I was a child. My friends and I used to call it rabbit food. Many thanks. x
24 Oct, 2017
If you can't remember the name, you can always go with chicory. They have those nice blue daisy-like flowers. In fact, you can eat it too. Clover is another one.
25 Oct, 2017
Suggest groundsel as a friend's children used to come and pull this up from the garden to feed to pets.
25 Oct, 2017
When I was a child 'Rabbit Food' was a term for dandylions.
25 Oct, 2017
That's a good one. I believe dandylion and chicory are closely related
25 Oct, 2017
We used to pick groundsel for a neighbour's budgie but I've only heard of dandelions for rabbits. Groundsel has small deeply divided leaves and little yellow knobby flowers if that helps. Sorrel is another possibility if it grows near you. that has taller upright stems often r3eddish and little knobby seedy looking flowers in a spike. The leaves taste of lemon.
25 Oct, 2017
May I also suggest Fat Hen, Chenopodium album. Sometimes it's grown for human or animal consumption, although it a common weed in the UK.
26 Oct, 2017
Hello Vickii,
My father used to keep rabbits for the table in the 1950s. I was sent out after school most days to collect hogweed, vetches and dandelions and a few other things I can't remember! I only remember feeling sorry for the rabbits and not being keen to eat them!
26 Oct, 2017
Can you remember it well enough to have a go at drawing it?
26 Oct, 2017
I agree with Pennyfarthing on the Hogweed. Our rabbits were fed on that as well as vetches, not too many Dandelions as it is a dieuretic and went straight through them. Otherwise it was Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) and one of the hedge plants, though for the life of me I can't remember which! Rabbits eat lots! You only have to look at your garden plants if you are unlucky enough to have rabbits. We collected Sow Thistles and Plantains too.
27 Oct, 2017
I was going to add broad leaved plantains too. You're right Hsuckle, they chomp up everything in the garden including
young foliage of roses & all the flowers off pansies. Thank goodness I haven't any in my garden!
27 Oct, 2017
Previous question
Whew!! Hard to answer, Vicki! Do you remember enough to give a detailed description of the foliage, stems, flowers, if any, and overall height and appearance at maturity? If you recognize a plant in your area, can you take pictures and post them?
25 Oct, 2017