By Yosser
United Kingdom
what kind of soil do hebe summer magic like
24 Aug, 2010
Moist, well drained, slightly alkaline, ( looked that up ), having said that I have hebes and rhododendron enjoying the same patch and they are acid lovers.
24 Aug, 2010
Hebes are New Zealand natives, and as such love a free draining fertile soil in a sunny spot (Don't we all?!) They're great on chalk soils, but, usefully, seem equally happy on acid soils too. Too much nitrogen however, and the small compact varieties produce soft growth which is prone to mildew (in poorly ventilated conditions) ad frost damage early and late in the year. Phil J
24 Aug, 2010
Any ordinary garden soil, though not waterlogged, preferably in full sun
24 Aug, 2010