I am looking for a small tree or large shrub to plant next to a tarmac drive and drainage system
By Laura123
United States
I am based in the UK and looking for a small tree or large shrub to plant next to a tarmac drive and drainage system, so I am looking for something with a small/shallow root system which won’t upset the driveway. Preferably evergreen (to create some privacy), and it must like full sun in a south-facing position. The soil is clay and is prone to drying out in Summer. Can you recommend anything please?
6 Feb, 2018
Have a look at this link https://www.hunker.com/12589684/the-best-driveway-plants
they have a down to earth explanation of what to grow and why. Eg it probably did not occur to you that you don't want leaves coming down on cars or pedestrians. Is there plenty of room to open car doors etc. especially if it is windy.
6 Feb, 2018