By Amsterdam
Shropshire, United Kingdom
Hi everyone. Hope you’re keeping warm today. I am trying to get hold of some blue plastic mushroom trays for the garden. Anyone got any idea where I can get some? Have seen them online but you can only buy 200! They are so handy for moving seedlings and pots around. I gave mine away accidentally and was too embarrassed to ask for it back!
- 6 Feb, 2018
You could get them from a farm shop or somewhere like that. I've still got a few my mother brought from one many years ago. They're handy for all sorts of things.
6 Feb, 2018
I collect these trays from our local Lidl store. Their supply of spring onions are delivered in them and they can be displayed on the shelves. The assistants are happy to let me have them as it cuts down on their recycling costs. I have just posted a blog on making covers for them as I can fit 12 x 3" x 3"pots into them. As you say it makes a for easy moving around.
6 Feb, 2018
Thank you for your suggestions. I will try several stores like you suggested.
7 Feb, 2018
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I get mine from the local greengrocer as they use them and the old cardboard trays for customers to take away their shopping. Try your local supermarket or street market.
6 Feb, 2018