By Slimdil
United Kingdom
Weed (I think) identification please. Doing a bit of tidying up and have come across a lot of this. Not a lot of growth and no flowers but would like to nip it in the bud now if it IS a weed. Thanks.

25 Feb, 2018
I'm not an expert on British garden weeds but I would say that it is Rosebay Willowherb. I have them in my flower beds and I pull them before they become established.
25 Feb, 2018
Not Rosebay but it is a willowherb and should be removed.
25 Feb, 2018
I get this by the bucket full it is a willowherb. possibly pale willowherb Epilobium roseum. it has pale pink flowers and has floating seeds that spread everywhere.
25 Feb, 2018
Bane of my life! But luckily, easy enough to remove with a trowel.
25 Feb, 2018
Thanks for that everyone.
26 Feb, 2018
I think it is a willowherb "Chamerion angustifolium". I just ease a hand fork under the foliage and it comes up very easily.
26 Feb, 2018
Yes, prolific but easy to remove, unlike bindweed, which is the bane of MY life!
26 Feb, 2018
Chamerion angustifolium [rosebay willow herb also called fireweed] produces a fleshy root/rhizome so when you lift it if it does have these fleshy [2-5mm thick] 'roots' make sure you take them out.
26 Feb, 2018
Pennyfarthing...I'm so relieved that I don't have bindweed to contend with. Nettles, Horsetails (in imported topsoil which I paid good money for...grrrrr), Ground Elder ..these are the most persistent fiends here.
27 Feb, 2018
Oooh! I don't like the sound of horsetail and ground elder! I do have the odd bit of horsetail coming up through the slabs at the side of the house where I store pots and useful looking bits of wood and I am trying to stamp it out, but I know it has probing, long reaching roots. A bit like bindweed really!
27 Feb, 2018
Previous question
« Digging plot found big patch of soil with white powdery stuff what could that be
Thanks for posting those pictures as I was wondering myself what it was? I’ve been pulling them up thinking it was a weed but would be keen to hear what it is.
25 Feb, 2018