By Whoopsadaisy
United Kingdom
I’m after some advice please. As you can see from the photos I had a wicker fence and the wind has snapped some of it off. My husband is going to make some trellis and put wire on the top of it to replace the top part all the way along but I need some sort of plant that the leaves stay on that I can grow along it to hide the wire and also the awful wall that’s underneath it. Something that grows quickly would be good. The only thing I could think of would be ivy.

25 Feb, 2018
Yes, my first thought was Clematis armandii, but to be honest, that doesn't like a windy spot. The leaves get damaged by strong winds and look a mess. Same with Fatshedera lizei, which is a lovely evergreen climber. There's the evergreen climbing hydrangea, H. seemanii which is lovely but very strong so wouldn't be supported by a flimsy fence. You do get some very pretty ivies. I have H. Buttercup, which has bright yellow variegation, but there are others that are extremely pretty, and they are hard to beat for screening unsightly spots. I hope you find a good solution. :)
25 Feb, 2018
Humulus grows quickly, and will do the trick but only until it dies back in the autumn.
25 Feb, 2018
I planted honeysuckle along the fence that runs along the back of my garden a few years ago and now the honeysuckle is supporting the fence. It grows thick and quite rapidly. You must continually train and trim it along the fence though, a nip and a tuck here and there during the growing season, it’s not that much work to keep it in bounds. Just inform the owners(if you are not) on the other side of the fence if you decide to plant honeysuckle since it can grow along the fence the other side and also run along the ground in an invasive fashion.
25 Feb, 2018
Chose the most vigorous evergreen honeysuckle. Ivy will thicken up and will become a problem. As Cottagekaren says, Clematis armandii is OK until its head reaches over the top of fence and the winds will burn it off.
26 Feb, 2018
Thankyou for all the advice. I will go to the garden centre and get a vigorous honeysuckle (which I love) and have a go with that. It’s not a plant I even considered.
26 Feb, 2018
Some are more vigorous than others! Mine (I don't know the name) has an insignificant but highly scented bloom and tends to stay more or less green through the winter. As Loosestrife says, you will need to keep it in order!
27 Feb, 2018
Remember they arene't all evergreen so watch what you choose.
27 Feb, 2018
For Honeysuckle, look for Lonicera sempervirens which translates to evergreen honeysuckle. Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Major Wheeler and a few others are in this class. Avoid Japonica.
28 Feb, 2018
there are evergreen clematis and honeysuckles that you could consider. I have both in my garden and they look reasonable all year round.
but if you are in a windy site then you still run the risk of it blowing down again.
25 Feb, 2018