By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
I saw a frog in my pond but it wasn't moving so gave it a little prod with a stick, it was all stiff so took it out with a net, all its intestines were hanging out, does anyone know what would have caused this to happen to the poor frog?
18 Apr, 2018
some birds peck at them for their livers too. it could have died naturally and the gases that built up in its guts could have also caused it. either way not that pleasant for the frog.
18 Apr, 2018
Mmmm! Way of life, glad I’m not a frog ;o(
23 Apr, 2018
Previous question
Cat most likely - mine used to play with them and wreck bits of their bodies in the process...
18 Apr, 2018