By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Honeysuckle with masses of buds which fall off before opening (a friend tells me). If anyone can help with the cause, we'd be very grateful.
1 Jun, 2018
Thanks Gnarly - I will tell my friend what you advise.
1 Jun, 2018
That's odd nothing ever bothers my honeysuckle (except my gardener who went 'hog wild' with his weed wacker! That's another story) Did you have a frost overnight?
1 Jun, 2018
Thanks Paul - but because I'm asking on behalf of a friend, I don't know . . . I will ask her.
1 Jun, 2018
The other possibility is water shortage, of course, although if the plant's been in longer than a year or so, that shouldn't be a problem.
1 Jun, 2018
Thank you Bamboo - I will give my friend all this info (if only she was on email, lol!).
1 Jun, 2018
Oh, tiresome if people aren't - I also like Facebook Messenger a lot, its so quick and easy... funny how we all get used to technology isn't it, I wouldn't be without it now.
1 Jun, 2018
Yes, I love email - it’s so much less tiring than talking on the phone!
Hope you’re doing well Bamboo?
1 Jun, 2018
I'm fine so far thanks - the only thing is, I've changed my diet radically, which has resulted in weight loss (boy do I miss cheese and dairy, its probably all that fat missing from my diet) so now my skin doesn't fit! Its quite an adjustment to make, bloomin' hard work, whole food plant based only... I didn't want to lose weight really, lost a lot in hospital from not eating for 7 days, but for anyone who wants to lose weight, I highly recommend this particular form of eating. I;m very keen to see what its done for my very high cholesterol level too...
2 Jun, 2018
Mixed messages then. Glad you're fine, but giving up dairy and cheese must be HARD. Hope the diet hasn't resulted in a loss of energy for you (that's my minor problem). I'm going to try swimming and cutting down the alcohol!
2 Jun, 2018
Ha ha... I'm guessing cutting back on alcohol isn't that easy either, luckily not something I like. No, no loss of energy that I've noticed, just dreaming a lot about coffee and walnut cake and brie... there are certain aisles in supermarkets that I used to frequent and now avoid like the plague!
2 Jun, 2018
That’s really tough for you, B. Let’s hope the “experts” know what they’re talking about, and that the regime works for you :)
3 Jun, 2018
oh blimey, no experts available here, Sheilabub - as far as the NHS is concerned, I can eat whatever I like, including sweets and chocolate, so long as I 'don't over do it'. Given they only get 2-4 hours of nutrition training during their seven year study to be doctors, what they know about nutrition generally, and worse, nutrition for various conditions, could be written on the head of a pin... So as usual, did me own tiring, tedious and exhausting research, including with the dietician at the Maggie Centre, and am winging it.
3 Jun, 2018
Good for you Bamboo :)
Back to the Honeysuckle problem . . . just spoken to my friend and she said "not aphids, not a frost, but highly likely to be short of water". So when she gets back home she will do her best to rescue the plant, and hope there are still some flowers to come. Many thanks to all of you for your help.
3 Jun, 2018
Aha! but to be honest, shortage of water often causes powdery mildew too, so if there's no evidence of that, it might not be, but worth giving it a good soak anyway...
3 Jun, 2018
Previous question
I would closely look for aphids its normally the cause of bud drop on honeysuckle ... and treat as necessary before they open and even spraying at dusk is not good as moths overnight use it to feed on . Put a sheet of paper down and give the branch a good shake see what drops off.
1 Jun, 2018