By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
I planted a Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Hillier’ in May this year, and it is growing very fast! Please could anyone advise me on the best way to keep it in check. Thanks.
15 Jul, 2018
Thanks for such a prompt reply, Bamboo. I thought I was buying a medium size tree, but will look again at the website I used (Ornamental Trees I think).
15 Jul, 2018
Yes, the website calls it a “small” tree: 6 metres in 20 years! Hope they’ve sent the right one . . .
15 Jul, 2018
Bluebell nursery says 8m... but at least this one is not so fast as Robinia Frisia...
15 Jul, 2018
Many thanks Bamboo.
15 Jul, 2018
Oh dear - this is known as a fast growing tree, it wants to make its 14 metres as soon as it can. I think you're batting on a sticky wicket trying to restrain it frankly....
15 Jul, 2018