By Kentishman58
United Kingdom
Is this a weed? We have a number of these with round shaped leaves growing and i think is a weed but i would like to be certain before i dig up. Many thanks

16 Oct, 2018
Well done Jimmy. I’m grateful because I have the same thing in a pot . . . quite a pretty weed then :)
16 Oct, 2018
it looks like a wild geum to me which produces smaller leaflets down the stem. it has a small yellow flower and is a nuisance for me except in the wilder parts.
16 Oct, 2018
Well, I thought it was ground ivy. That has blue flowers.
16 Oct, 2018
It looks like Geum urbanum or Wood Avens to me too. I keep digging up but if you miss just one flower and it seeds that's lots more digging up next year.
17 Oct, 2018
Previous question
Yes, Common Mallow.
16 Oct, 2018