By Lemonm
United States
Here's my Red kakabeak 12 months old faces west in northern NZ planted in clay/metal mix, sprayed 2 wkly with Rose shield when turning leaves yellow from suckling mite.
Flowered late Sept and looking forward to next year as double the size by then. Held aloft by clear nylon onto 3 mtr high runner along 4mtr brick wall under soffit.

30 Nov, 2018
What a beauty!
30 Nov, 2018
Hi, welcome to GoY, did you want to ask a question about Clianthus puniceus, or show us a photograph of it,? there's a seperate section for posting photo's, if you click on ''your options'' at the top of your news page, it will give you the option of posting a photo, but if you have a question, this is the right page, Derek.
30 Nov, 2018
Had to look that one up so see what the common name meant. It's certainly a stunning plant when in flower and the plant as it is now is also impressive. Best of luck with it.
4 Dec, 2018
Looks a great success! Please post pix when it flowers!
30 Nov, 2018