By Rogi
Hallo all. If you read my blog I have written that my plum tree had to be cut down due to it being very very rotten. At the base of the stump there is a sapling (about 12 foot high) that has been left there, my question is...will this sapling develope into a proper tree that will also produce fruit or it it just a "weed" that won´t produce anything ?. If a photo is needed I can take one at any time. Many thanks for your answers in advance.
2 Sep, 2010
It depends on what the rootstock, if any, was, Rogi. It may be a seedling plum, or it may be a variety of stone fruit selected for disease resistance and fast growth, but not fruit production. If a seedling, the fruit will be very variable, with about a 10% chance of the fruit approaching the quality of a named variety. If a named variety of rootstock, such as 'Nemagard', it will probably be small and leathery. If the leaves look like plum leaves, it is probably a seedling rootstock.
2 Sep, 2010
Hallo Oliveoil & Tugbrethil. Thanks for your answers. I will leave it where it is for a year or so and see what happens, it isn´t in the way at the moment, maybe I will have the luck that Oliveoil had...fingers crossed !.
2 Sep, 2010
On our allotment there are several yellow plum trees that Gerry says are suckers of the original tree on the allotment next door! Next door's allotment has a shed at the end of the plot with several yellow plums growing on both sides. I have no idea which tree is the original & which are the suckers but they all produce tonnes of fruit. Gerry also has another yellow one behind our shed. It was absolutely loaded down with plums until a couple of weeks ago.
So, like you said, if it isn't in the way where it is, leave it another year or two & see if it produces fruit & what the fruit is like.
You can see some of the fruit & the trees if you have a look at my blogs for July/August.
8 Sep, 2010
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I had a plum tree which sprouted a shoot under a grass path about a metre and a half and you would not believe the amount of fruit it has got on it this year, we also chopped down the original tree and I think yours will do the same (fingers crossed). I was told mine wouldn't produce fruit but it has by the ton. Hope you have the same outcome with yours. You never know just give it a go.
2 Sep, 2010