By Ruthie14
United Kingdom
which is the best daphne to grow in a pot please and should I use a combination of top soil and compost?
2 Mar, 2019
Why your last comment Jimmy? Are they incredibly slow growers? I bought one last Spring (in a pot) and it hasn’t grown more than an inch :(
2 Mar, 2019
In a pot its probably better not to use any garden soil. There is lots of info on line and it depends to some extent which variety you have, they hate to get too dry or too wet. You might consider John Innes 3 and mix in something a bit fibrous as well, perhaps some well rotted compost or a handful or so of a good ordinary potting compost as JI on its own can sometimes set like concrete...
2 Mar, 2019
Shelia, which one are you asking about? The Daphne Odora in my opinion is one of the cheapest and easy to grow. I believe that they are quite difficult to propagate, hence the price, so most of this variety of plants are produced under laboratory conditions (microprogation) in Holland. By growing in a pot it will be somewhat slower than in the ground. In the ground it could make up to five foot high eventually. Eternal Fragrance, although the books talk about anything up to three feet, I doubt it possible. I would say that when grown in pot I would imagine it to be so slow growing that it would take a lifetime to reach that height. From experience of both varieties, as said, Eternal Fragrance would be a better choice, I did dig deep into my pocket and bought one but it did give up the ghost after a couple of years. So if you do decide for Eternal Fragrance when go for a supplier with a guarantee.
2 Mar, 2019
I meant your comment "do look out for a sizeable plant" Jimmy . . . thanks for clarification, and I will get my Daphne into the ground soon and try to find its label.
3 Mar, 2019
Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' from my experience does well in pots and doesn't cost the earth to buy. Having said, it wouldn't be my favourite. For choice I would go for Daphne x transatlantica Eternal Fragrance being a dwarf variety but do look out for a sizeable plant.
2 Mar, 2019