By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Rhodohypoxin - when do they appear? Last year I planted 3 bare root ones and there’s no sign of them. Thanks.
28 Mar, 2019
Thanks Eileen . . . I had no idea! I won't be tempted to dig them up quite yet to see what's happening :)
28 Mar, 2019
Sheila - I have 3 rhododendrons and they each bloom a different time - depends which variety you have, but usually some time in May. It's important to keep the soil moist even in winter and they generally pull through the most brutal deep freezes. If you just planted them last year, they may need a year to settle in. That's what happened to me. The first year I just got 1 flower but more each subsequent year. At least I had 2 others that were covered in blooms. But yes, there's nothing like a rhododendron covered in blooms. They have quite a display at the Botanical Garden and it's their busiest season.
28 Mar, 2019
Do you mean Rhodohypoxis milloides, Sheila? They're only hardy down to -5 deg C, but we've had a fairly mild winter, well most of it anyway.... RHS suggests keeping in a cold greenhouse overwinter, mostly to keep off winter wet, which also kills them... but hopefully they'll appear later in April where you are.
29 Mar, 2019
Thanks Paul, but not Rhododendron . . . Rhodohypoxin.
Thanks Bamboo - there was no second name (bought from Hayloft) and no growing info either. So I will wait in hope.
29 Mar, 2019
LOL Sheila sorry. I guess I need to clean my glasses.
29 Mar, 2019
they don't usually appear until late May for me and as its been a mild winter I am hoping they have survived. in the past I have lost many of them due to hard frosts.
they are a lovely little flower.
28 Mar, 2019