By Steragram
United Kingdom
I have a large Eleagnus ebbingii, about 12 years old. It flowered well in the autumn and looked healthy but now some of the leaves are looking yellow in parts of the shrub. and I cant see any pests. Doesn't look like the normal leaf drop of evergreens. Any ideas please? Camera out of action but will try to fix it if photo really needed.
9 Apr, 2019
Have you fed it lately Stera. if not then that's the most likely problem.
Epsom salts as a quick solution to magnesium deficiency but a proper feed as Jimmy suggests is better.
10 Apr, 2019
You can get handy little tip sheets, to print off or bookmark, with diagrams showing the effects of different micronutrient deficiencies. One of those things that are really handy very occasionally☺
Bit trickier to diagnose if it's a variegated type...
Could the ground under it have become too compacted? That wouldn't help nutrient uptake.
10 Apr, 2019
Will try feeding then, but the leaves are not yellowing all over the bush. Wouldn't a deficiency affect the whole plant? Admittedly I have never fed it on the grounds that is is quite big enough to fend for itself - its taller than me...
Its surrounded by Epimedium so a feed wouldn't hurt!
Darren the yellowing is more beigey - quite different from E.pungens maculata
10 Apr, 2019
If you have a high PH, then the magnesium and iron will be locked up, sorry I know this isn't news to you. What I can say is that I used to get this on my Escallonia 'Iveyi' and that yellowing always appeared on the lower leaves.
10 Apr, 2019
I would just add that Elepaeagnus is not fully hardy, so if its only affecting some parts...could it be cold weather damage..or indeed wind damage to the stems?
10 Apr, 2019
Trouble is it doesn't really look like deficiency yellowing and its not generalised either.. Must try to sort the camera and get a photo.
11 Apr, 2019
Perhaps it got sprayed....from the road, or a neighbour, or a farmer?
11 Apr, 2019
Good idea but not possible where it is. Really must try to get a pic.
11 Apr, 2019
Update; oh dear its is now quickly spreading over the whole shrub. Looks as though its on its way out. That will make a huge gap in the border and alter the whole feel of it. Will Griselinia take being trained as a big shrub do you think? I've only seen standards)
24 Apr, 2019
Yes, Griselinia is fantastic. I have the golden variegated form and its very bright and cheerful. And they do take a good prune, but they also make a big shrub in a few years.
24 Apr, 2019
Thank you! So just looked it up and it says it wants to be west or south facing. If I had one it would be east facing - wonder what difference it would make?
I would miss the highly scented little flowers on the Eleagnus but if it dies it dies,alas.
24 Apr, 2019
Interesting. In my first home I grew one on an East facing site and it did beautifully well. I had to keep pruning it back because it grew so well. However, it was only a couple of metres from my house wall, so it had protection on its West side, and we had an open aspect to the South also.
25 Apr, 2019
Thank you for the encouragement. Its got some mature trees behind it so they may help. I haven't given up hope yet though - who knows? I just wish I knew what's happened.
25 Apr, 2019
Put a picture might help us work it out.
25 Apr, 2019
Well now. Just got around to admitting that the browning leaves were only what an evergreen does in Spring,which I didn't think of it at the time. (Hides blushes in hands...) Its fine now. Sorry to have wasted your time folks.
10 Aug, 2019
CStera...I remember the first time I saw the new growth on mine too...and I thought it was sick. Don’t worry...we’ve probably all been there! Thought did occur to me, but didn’t want to seem cheeky!
10 Aug, 2019
Haha Karen - I know what you mean - but really any suggestions welcome. I feel very silly...
10 Aug, 2019
Magnesium or iron deficiency? Vitax Q4 has lots of trace elements; might be worth a try.
10 Apr, 2019