By Johnp58
United Kingdom
My amaryllis has just finished flowering and I wanted to know if any of you kind people out there have had success in getting the bulb to flower for a second year?
I never have mainly due to my lack of skill.
Any tips?
10 Apr, 2019
Thankyou seaburngirl I will follow your instructions and let you know how I get on.
I hate discarding plants or bulbs when, with a little care, they can bloom again.
Thank you
10 Apr, 2019
“A little Care”? Lol...that read like an life’s worth of dedication to me! Good on you. I don’t have the ability for this kind of work. I’m sure it will pay off though. :)
10 Apr, 2019
it is pretty much like feeding your daffs in the garden CG no more onerous and you stay indoors in the warmth too :o)
10 Apr, 2019
10 Apr, 2019
Hi John bulbs just coming into flower now and I have had them at least 10 yrs.
firstly cut the dead flower stalk off near the bulb to stop it making seed. then feed the bulb either with a foliar feed or with dilute tom food or similar. keep watering and give the bulb plenty of light. when the weather warms up you can but the bulb and pot outside to enjoy the summer. I tend to feed it lightly every 3 weeks or so and allow it to stay in leaf all through to September/October. I then reduce watering allowing the foliage to die back. come November I knock it out of the pot and repot with fresh compost and slow release fertilizer granules. I then water it and wait for new leaves to appear. I find they flower any time from April through to May.
there are several good blogs on this sight about keeping these lovely bulbs.
Sometimes they don't flower the next year but do yearly after that.
10 Apr, 2019