By Kate123
East Yorkshire ,
United Kingdom
Hello, can anyone identify this please? I'm not sure if it's a weed or something more interesting? Looks fern like, maybe from a fern spore? It has shot up recently.

22 Apr, 2019
It looks like a weed, Meadowsweet, Filipendula ulmaria to me.
22 Apr, 2019
Thanks Grandad and Jimmy, much appreciated. I googled the meadowsweet, some sort of herb, weed, wildflower.
It’s from the rosaceae family. I think I’ll leave it be and see how it goes..
22 Apr, 2019
This looks like a two year old rowen sapling, the leaves are arranged like a rowen and have slightly serrated leaves, leave it in situ for now and in autumn you can lift it and plant it where it can be enjoyed, if it is a rowen then much folklore is attached to this tree, it was and still is planted at the back of gardens and on the front left hand side of a front gate to ward off witches, and rowen wood should never be brought into the house that is of course if you are superstitious, that said it’s a lovely small tree which has clusters of orange berries in the autumn which the birds adore.
22 Apr, 2019
It does look woody? My first thought was rowan or something like
22 Apr, 2019
Thanks Julien and Darren, this is interesting. I hadn’t thought of anything like a rowan! Lovely! I’ll leave it in situ then, keep an eye on it and lift it in autumn with care. I’ll plant it in another spot.
Liking the folklore aspect too.
23 Apr, 2019
Undoubtedly a Rowan, as Julien suggests.
23 Apr, 2019
It looks like the seedlings from my Sorbus cashmiriana I find in growing in pots where the birds "leave" them. If you don't want to grow it on as a tree you could always pot into a small dish and grow as bonsai. I've got three bonsai sorbus, one about 15 years old.
23 Apr, 2019
Thanks David and Thorneyside, appreciate both of your replies. I've now got lots of ideas. Think I'll lift it when the time is right and plant away from the house.
Thanks again everyone!
23 Apr, 2019
I don't think it's fern, my ferns from spores look very different when young
With those leaves could it possibly be a rose of some sort?
22 Apr, 2019