By Steragram
United Kingdom
New members - just noticed there have been none in the past month - anyone know what's happened?
25 Apr, 2019
When this site first started, it was very busy, as I recall, there weren't that many gardening resources at that time ... that's tailed right off in the last few years, and its likely to down to other social media gardening resources - not garden sites so much, but places like Facebook, for instance, have loads of different gardening clubs....
26 Apr, 2019
Yeah...Facebook and Instagram are the main problems I think. :)
26 Apr, 2019
It didn't tail off though, just stopped suddenly. Normally there have been one or two every day.
Eileen, I looked at the list of new members on the right hand side of the Members page.
26 Apr, 2019
New members, I was only thinking the other day that a nudge for new members to write a blog to let us know how they are getting on, would be good. Now you are saying that the new members have tailed off. Probably as Facebook (which I don't do) and anything else in that line are probably so much more instant! Everyone wants 'instant' these days, what happened to taking time to enjoy things?
26 Apr, 2019
A lot of the recent ones were commercial anyway, advertising their websites but its odd that all activity ended suddenly on 27th March. I don't do Facebook either except to look at what other people I know are doing. I never put my own personal stuff on. Have never looked at Instagram and don't really know what it is.
Honeysuckle - one thing you can't do Instant is growing things! (thank goodness)
26 Apr, 2019
Well, let's hope there enough people for this site to continue because I absolutely love it and have learnt so much from it, both in replies to my own questions and in reading everyone else's!
26 Apr, 2019
Aren't all gardening clubs having the same difficulty? Wether specialist society or general village gardening club older members are 'moving on' but we are not able to attract younger people.
27 Apr, 2019
Hello, I'm a "new member" [Feb this year]. I do use Facebook, but similar use as Steragram + FB newbie gardeners for me to chuck my old tuppence worth in
I joined for the blog + photo option mainly, but I've found the site a bit hard to use, and whoever "owns" it unresponsive and abrupt
I've been told there is difficulty with my e mail, [Gmail] so notifications will not be sent, given as Gmail is quite universal if my experience is any guide then it's no wonder new members are sparse
I'll carry on and see how it turns out
I use the site on a desk top PC, not checked but maybe it is hard work on a mobile 'phone?
27 Apr, 2019
You've made a good point there Grandad... this site is old technology, and isn't being maintained and updated as it once was years ago. I think its just being left to tick on, and over time little glitches and malfunctions are creeping in...
27 Apr, 2019
True. Also, when my daughter Rachel joined she found it difficult to upload pics for some reason. And the fact you have to resize big photos puts people off too. Its a great facility for keeping a Catalogue, but as a social networking site...not so much.
27 Apr, 2019
I would add the technical aspect of this site is rather 'old school'. It's a process to upload pictures, the right way. For other sites you just 'tap tap' it's done. Dead links, no videos, lots of 'cut & paste', no notifications. We should have some sort presence on 'Pinterest'. I found this site by shear happenstance. There must be more than 3 gardeners in the United States & Canada. Nobody knows about it. I touched on this last week with another member - there's nobody at the helm. Our captain has jumped ship.
28 Apr, 2019
Not quite 'jumped ship' Bathgate, that was him under the parachute that you saw from your flight window!
28 Apr, 2019
Previous question
« Clematis. What is the best time to take clematis cuttings please?
perhaps no one has had a burning question Stera.
Didn't know you could check? other than hovering over their avatar that is.
26 Apr, 2019