By Whistonlass
United Kingdom
I'm having problems uploading photos to my blog....can anyone give me some pointers. I'm trying to transfer them from my Picasa album to my blog. Thanks guys!
4 Sep, 2010
Yes, Beattie, the photos are stored in my Picasa. I'm not too great on the computer so it takes me awhile to get the hang of Patience and perseverence seems to be the order of the day!
4 Sep, 2010
When you've written your blog, or while you write it, go to the bottom of the box and click on "include photos". You can then use photos you've already uploaded to GoY or browse your computer to find photos you've got that you want to use. To do this, click on "browse" and you can go to where you filed them and add them to your blog by double-clicking on the picture you want. Then click on "add photos" and wait while they upload.
You can then continue writing if you wish and add more photos underneath - it's very flexible.
Looking forward to reading it now!! :-)
4 Sep, 2010
Previous question
You need to transfer them from your computer to your blog. I think websites vary as to where you upload from. I use another one where you put in the location of the photo on a photosharing website, (which is what I think Picasa is) and it uses that info to show the pic. This website seems to copy the photo from your computer onto the site.
I hope this helps. Do you still have the photo(s) on your computer or camera?
4 Sep, 2010