United Kingdom
Having just commented on Kate123's post about nostalgic scents, I wondered what other people find evocative of certain times in their life. My nostalgic childhood scents are Lupins, Lilac and Flowering Currant. When I smell Elderberry flowers or Hawthorn it takes me back to happy times when my kids were little and we lived in a ramshackle cottage. What does it for you?
9 May, 2019
Yes it was all privet then wasn't it but I can't remember the scent of it. Cor, I could just eat a plate of stew and dumplings. My mum used to make it and they were big balls of suet and flour i think. That's a wonderful smell too. Is privet the same as flowering currant?
9 May, 2019
Hi, I think my favourite scent would have to be Lonicera fragrantissima, or shrubby honeysuckle, to give it it's common name, flowers around the end of January as well, so an added bonus, but I also like the plants you listed, and I also like the scent of privet, a very sweet sort of smell, but most people don't get to smell it, because it flowers round about the end of July, by which time most people have trimmed their hedges, and cut off the flowers, Derek.
9 May, 2019
Playing in huge piles of wheat stalks after the combines have been round at the end of the Summer holidays
9 May, 2019
The smell of the earth and leaves when it rains in summer after a dry spell :)
9 May, 2019
I ike privet and honeysuckle too but my most nostalgic scent is bluebells. We had a border of them when I was small enough for my nose to be close to them...
9 May, 2019
There's a word for that Hywel! Petrichor☺
9 May, 2019
Freshly cut grass, flowering laurel, English roses, sweet peas. ( Oh, and the smell of produce when I would walk into my grandfathers greenhouse as a small child in the 70s. Good memories.)
9 May, 2019
Night stock; takes me straight back to childhood, running round the pub garden lit by fairylights on warm summer nights, where we were taken on occasion with my grandparents and parents. And had Smiths crisps as a treat, the one with the screw of blue waxed paper with the salt inside...
9 May, 2019
Thanks Darren I never knew that :)
9 May, 2019
Hawthorn (May) blossom - it's out now in my garden and I love the scent, though I know hayfever sufferers don't.
9 May, 2019
Darren - sounds a nice way of describing it!
Bamboo - I remember those crisps well, salt n shake!
Ginellie - the hawthorn on the bund here is just starting to flower. I agree, lovely scent.
10 May, 2019
Honeysuckles do it for me. The scent of sweet delicious honeysuckles. Summer Camp! Honeysuckles were always wafting through our camp site and those bees were everywhere that was part of it. We could always smell the honeysuckles long before the bus dropped us off. For me, honeysuckles = summertime fun!
11 May, 2019
Wallflowers! My uncle had a large oval bed in his front garden, surrounded by a privet hedge . Every year in spring it was filled with wallflowers, tulips and forget-me-nots. The scent in the enclosed area was intoxicating and whenever I smell wallflowers I am back there in an instant, practising cartwheels around the flowerbed!
11 May, 2019
Napthalene takes me back to a beloved uncle whose tweed jacket always smelt of mothballs, but I guess you mean flower scents ;o) Hyacinths remind me of mum,I love them but my mum hated the scent as it smelt of the embalming fluids used in the 30's. again probably not what you were meaning.
skimmia and that sort of scent takes me to happy thoughts as you get that scent a lot when out on a motor bike so 40yrs worth of memories. I think lime trees exude a similar scent too. Honeysuckle on a warm evening and my first camping experience with OH [chilly toes and dew soaked grass when doing the 'comfort stop' in the dark at 3 am].
12 May, 2019
MerlinBD - nobody answered your question - no privet and flowering currant are quite different (and flowering currant to me smells like cat pee..)
12 May, 2019
Privet flowers for me.
My grandparents lived on a council estate, and as per normal at the time every hedge was privet, so walking to Nan's was one long walk of privet scent, with a lovely stew & dumplings waiting at the end
9 May, 2019