Freesias. I have been sent some freesia corms
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have been sent some freesia corms/bulbs (?) and would appreciate advice on how to grow them. I have about 40.Will they grow outside or would they be best in an enclosed porch? Is any special compost needed? What size of pot,please, and would they be best in one large pot or several smaller pots? Thank you.
18 May, 2019
in the past I put 5 in a 1 litre pot in just multipurpose compost with some grit to improve drainage. they either stayed in ornamental pots or in the ground. As mine were also freebies I didn't do anything to save them. they are not hardy in the uk and need frost free dry winter protection [greenhouse/conservatory].
they were wonderful and put on a brilliant show.
18 May, 2019