United Kingdom
I thought i would post this again as it's fully grown now.... can someone help me out and I'd this plant that i sowed a couple of years back and threw the packet away

23 Jun, 2019
I've been looking but not much use. Cynoglossum has similarities... Gentians too, but they're usually blue
23 Jun, 2019
Thanks Darren very clever! it is cynoglossum "mystic pink" from Clinton seeds if anyone's interested likes it very dry hence greyish leaves if anyone wants any seedlings I've got plenty's a tender perennial or annual.
24 Jun, 2019
It's a lot of green plant for a few small flowers?
Usually I'd use Bing for picture lookup & plant ID but for this one I used W. Keble Martin's 'The Concise British Flora in Colour'.
Feel like I learn a fair bit about plant identification using bing's image recognition. Doubt it makes me cleverer but maybe a little better informed? Once I've ID'd something then I can look into ways to grow, etc.
24 Jun, 2019
Yes i guess it is very green with few flowers it was recommended in a newspaper article so i thought i would give it a try a stand alone plant i agree it doesn't look much just as most forget me nots but en mass they look good the idea with this plant is you just sprinkle it out on well prepared sandy soil and hey presto! you got a mass of lovely flowers but i have clay and it doesn't germinate so after the first unsuccessful try the next year i sprinkled it in the top of a container perfect conditions! And it eventually came up after 2 years of trying by that time i had thrown the packet away and had forgotten the name. I had to prick out the seedlings one by one and put them into small individual pots so that's why it is on its own in the pic
25 Jun, 2019
That’s a generous offer, Youngalistair ... I will PM you.
25 Jun, 2019
I would appreciate having some seeds too Youngalistair. Its common name is Chinese Forget me not. As Forget me not flourish in my garden I would think these will too. I will pm you.
26 Jun, 2019
I can absolutely see how it'd be nice in big swathes😊 Just that my garden is teeny🙁
26 Jun, 2019
Very pretty so I hope someone knows 🙂
23 Jun, 2019