By Sunnydais
United Kingdom
Kind of a gardening question - I hope! Reading online there are various ways to keep fingers and nails clean when gardening - mine are starting to look a tad mucky......even though I do wear gloves about half the time. Lemon juice rubbed into fingers sounds like one I'm going to try - anyone any favourite tips or warnings for ones that don't work?
22 Jun, 2019
I use carex aloe squirty soap. I should wear gloves having got several painful cuts recently but any that are thick enough to be protective feel clumsy.
You can get barrier creams that you apply beforehand too, the sort of thing bricklayers use
22 Jun, 2019
I recycled a toothbrush into a finger cleaner.
22 Jun, 2019
Forgot to say - I can't use soap or handwash - gives me a rash - so have used emulsifying ointment for at least 20 years. I might try rubbing the ointment into my nails before gardening as a barrier.
22 Jun, 2019
I was going to suggest Meadowland's method too. If you fill the gap under the nails with soap before you start there is no room left for the soil, and any that does creep in comes out easily when you use a nail brush afterwards. You can also make hands easier to clean by washing before you go out with a good lather but keep rubbing until you have worked it all into the skin. This works like barrier cream.
And if you use Gardeners Soap for washing when you come in (get it on line) it's even more effective.
22 Jun, 2019
Honestly, you should speak with a dermatologist since you have issues I have never heard of. This is NOT a gardening question. Something so simple & routine suddenly becomes complex & tedious. Who knows what else you 'forgot to mention'? Sounds like you need a doctor's care. They can probably get you something not available to the general public.
23 Jun, 2019
Sunny, you are not alone with this problem! I put Ultrabase emollient cream on my hands prior to gardening, sometimes wear white cotton gloves under regular gardening gloves which prevents the dirt getting through.
23 Jun, 2019
my brother puts a small amount of Vaseline under his nails before gardening. like you sunny he is a sensitive soul when it comes to soap. Dr just laughed and said stay dirty or use this. it is an emulsifying agent, probably similar to what you use.
I have been known to put clear nail varnish on the underside of my nails, especially if they are on the long side. helps strengthen them too.
23 Jun, 2019
Thank you to all of the more sensitive souls on here - I will certainly try your kind recommendations!
23 Jun, 2019
Try applying a bit of olive oil and a round toothpick to clean underneath the nail and the cuticle. Then wash with dish detergent.
23 Jun, 2019
Don't do what I did the other day. My hands are very arthritic so I find soaking them in hot soapy water helps get them clean and reduces the pain too. So I reached for the washing up liquid to add to the hot water, but it was not that it was a general house cleaning liquid. Got my hands clean, but the smell from the stuff was pretty potent. Info on the bottle said that exposure to the skin should be washed off with lots of water. Not to be recommended for soaking skin.
Never yet found a satisfactory way of getting under my nails really clean either.
23 Jun, 2019
You should be able to pick up a whole kit at the pharmacy for proper fingernail care & maintenance. The kit has all kinds of tools & things. They also have all kinds of cremes & ointments available. I still think a professional's opinion is invaluable because what works for one, won't necessarily work for another. That sounds like a terrible condition to live with and I hope you find relief very soon.
23 Jun, 2019
The soap under the fingernails before you start trick works, (though I can't stand the feel of solid soap stuck under my nails) but in your case, maybe petroleum jelly or your own emollient might do it, though probably not so well...
23 Jun, 2019
Or put black nail polish on the finger nails. No one could see the dirt then!
23 Jun, 2019
Everyone is suggesting putting a lot of different things under their fingernails, but how do you wash that stuff out of there if you can't use any soap? An old toothbrush and some warm water should remove the dirt.
23 Jun, 2019
I tried today putting my ointment under my nails and it did actually work quite well so I will continue with that, it washes out easily.
Please don't worry Bathgate, I've had this allergy to soap for over twenty years and it means my skin is so much softer, and smoother, because of the emulsifying ointment.
I would hate to go back to soap which simply dries my skin out. It is certainly not a problem that I need any relief from, it's a tad bothersome but that's all.
Anyone else out there who is irritated by soap I would highly recommend emulsifying ointment.
Thank you all.
23 Jun, 2019
Thank you for this question Sunnydais,it was very interesting,my little grandson can not use soap,and he wears gloves when we are gardening,but it is still challenging trying to get them clean with just water.
23 Jun, 2019
One of my sons was sensitive to soap when young so we used to use Oilatum wash instead... luckily he grew out of it, but its not an uncommon problem.
23 Jun, 2019
Great, I'm glad you found a remedy, the ointment. I know many people who make their own 'soap' or they call it a cleansing bar. It's not rocket science and you decide exactly what goes into it. There are dozens of videos & websites available to show exactly what to do. It could also be a fun craft project if you have kids. Just a thought.
23 Jun, 2019
23 Jun, 2019
Maybe you could try the emulsifying ointment Callie1914 for your grandson, though do check with a pharmacist or doctor. I buy mine online now as it's cheaper than the pharmacy - it comes in large pots but is easily transferred into handy travel pots. I use a flannel to rub it in and it is really soft and moist.
23 Jun, 2019
Regarding gloves, I have always found it difficult and frustrating to wear gloves for gardening but last year I discovered Showa gloves in a garden centre and find that I can do most fiddly things with them including tying in and pricking out etc.
23 Jun, 2019
Thanks Pennyf. - will keep a lookout for them.I wear holes in the fingertips of gloves really quickly - only use them in cold damp weather or fpr thorny jobs though.
23 Jun, 2019
Soap & water work fine for me.
22 Jun, 2019