By Sirwolf
United Kingdom
I keep trying to grow some Morning Glory plants outside my front door which is the sunniest spot by my bungalow, however when I transplant them they start to look rather sad, the photos show them about 2 weeks after transplanting. Has anyone any ideas as to why they look so unhealthy.

27 Jun, 2019
When you plant them out make sure the soil's already moist then water them in with half-strength liquid fertiliser. It may also help to make little cloches for them out of old clear plastic bottles as they don't like it too windy
27 Jun, 2019
Some root damage from the transplanting and a bit of shock from being in a new location. Given time they will recover.
28 Jun, 2019
At second glance, it looks as though you have the beginnings of moss growing which confirms or poor drainage and roots that cannot deal with the moisture. Let it dry out a little and don't feed for a few weeks as the compost, if new, should contain sufficient fertiliser for the present.
28 Jun, 2019
I had some a couple of years ago that looked just like this but they grew up and bloomed profusely, so patience and good luck!
28 Jun, 2019
Mine are a dead loss - so disappointing. Just look very unhappy since planting out. I put it down to the weather which until this week here has been pretty cold and rainy with some quite strong winds.I have had two flowers so far which only lasted day. Shan't bother another time...
28 Jun, 2019
Sorry for not replying earlier, thanks very much for the advice, at present they are growing quite tall, but with no sign of flowers, they still look quite unhealthy, I have a couple in the Greenhouse which look better but which still show no sign of flowering. I shall persevere. Once again thanks for the advice.
8 Aug, 2019
Two of mine did survive and are flowering but not profusely as I imagined and the flowers are over within a day. Don't give up , they may flower yet!
8 Aug, 2019
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« I have so many questions this season! Here's another: my cottage garden pinks...
How did you start them off? I would have grown them in single pots. Perhaps 2 seeds to a pot and put out the weakest. If you have just grown several in a seed tray or pot, then I would have potted them on in single pots and only planted them out when they had a decent root system. So I would say that the lack of a good root system would be my view of the problem.
27 Jun, 2019