By Helencno
United Kingdom
Can I replant my spring bulbs- hyacinths, tulips, daffodils and crocuses - which were in pots this year, back into pots or do they now have to be planted in the garden?
4 Aug, 2019
If you have fed the old bulbs after they had flowered to re-build the energy then perhaps re-plant some of them in early autumn. Personally, with the exception of the Daffodils, I would plant them in the ground as they, especially the Hyacinths, will not come up to expectations when they flower next year.
5 Aug, 2019
I am just finishing repotting my spring bulbs and would recommend they be out of their pots for as short a time as possible.
5 Aug, 2019
I was doing that yesterday with daffs and hyacinths. daffs were checked for narcissus fly grubs, none so far. the hyacinths produce a smaller more delicate flower spike and I find that so much nicer than the big blousy blooms. Some go in the garden others [the bigger bulbs] back in pots. Only a few had any new roots
5 Aug, 2019
Thank you all for your advice, very helpful.
5 Aug, 2019
What do you want to do? Assuming the bulbs are healthy you could do either. Though it's a bit early in the year to worry about...
If you favour containers you could fill them now with a mix of compost, grit & leaf mould so things were nicely set up for late September planting
4 Aug, 2019