By Anujag
United Kingdom
Hi, I used to be an active member of GOY six years ago. Lots of changes later (including moving to a new house with a large garden), I am back - to serious gardening and to GOY. And I need advice. I laid medium sized slate chips as mulch without any membrane in my low maintenance front garden . Now I want to plant some hyancinths or tulips there. Do you think the flowers will manage to come up? Thanks in advance!
Update: Thank you everyone, My Hyancinths and tulips came out beautifully through the slate chips. But the tulips did not. Here is a photo of the Hyacinths and the tulips where there were no slate chips

6 Oct, 2019
I have the same thing in my front garden. Daffodils, snowdrops and even the small species tulips can push their way through the slate chippings. On the minus side, I was stupid enough to plant anemone Blanda and they have reseeded everywhere.
6 Oct, 2019
Thank you so much for the replies! I will go ahead and plant the Hyacinths. Funnily enough, I did buy anemone Blanda last year to plant there but ended up planting somewhere else.
6 Oct, 2019
Welcome back to GoY! I tend to agree with Jimmy. An inch or two of slate chips shouldn't be an issue or when you plant the bulbs, just give them a clearing so it's not too much in that area. I like your idea of using slate chips. You can really get creative with it. I find those membranes a waste of money. The weeds still come up - I guess that's why they are weeds. It won't stop the the weeds. .
6 Oct, 2019
Thank you for your response Bathgate! Yes, slate chips look really good. They have saved me a lot of time. And when it rains, the row of dwarf box looks beautiful against the wet slate.
7 Oct, 2019
my brother has slate chips [biggest ones are about 2" long] and all his bulbs come up fine from snowdrops/crocuses to camassia. so hyacinths shouldn't have a problem.
7 Oct, 2019
Thank you Seaburngirl, really appreciate your response. If the delicate snowdrops can push their way through, then the hyacinths will surely do! Now, if the rains let up, I will go ahead and plant them :)
8 Oct, 2019
Out, I have a HUGE bag of slate, had it the week after I retired, still there, winter job, hehe. So do I gather there's no need to put membrane down guys? I was planning black plastic, membrane and then slate.
11 Oct, 2019
Yes. As long as the slates are not too big the stems will push through with no trouble.
6 Oct, 2019