By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Amelanchier - a current gardening magazine advises pruning now, but is that safe in this frosty season? Thanks,
4 Dec, 2019
Thanks Jimmy. I never pruned the one in my previous garden, but this one is quite mature and has masses of thick growth. I just wonder if taking out a few of the spindly branches would really do any harm . . . but no, I won't prune heavily.
4 Dec, 2019
Oh, I don't know, if its congested, I'd prune it now -should really be done November, but its only early December. As you suggest, removing spindly, weak, damaged or crossing growth to open out the centre should be fine. If you're a bit nervous, just do the essentials rather than a radical renovation and then do more next year. info below from Crocus, which mentions Amelanchier pruning
4 Dec, 2019
Thanks very much Bamboo . . . sensible advice as ever! How are you feeling today?
4 Dec, 2019
Thanks for asking - I think I might have a touch of laryngitis - at least, I hope that's all it is!
4 Dec, 2019
Oh dear - it seems like one ‘thing’ after another. I had an operation on my left eye in October, then another urgent one in November (unexpectedly). But thankfully I still have one good eye for reading and writing🙂
Hope you’ll feel better soon!
4 Dec, 2019
That's the price of age - lots of things need fixing!
4 Dec, 2019
Mmmmm :( It’s certainly amazing what surgeons can do these days ... I’m lucky really that I should have good sight again by February ...
4 Dec, 2019
Cataract surgery that needed a second surgery, was it? That's unlucky if that's the case, though not uncommon, but you're right, it is amazing what they can do...
5 Dec, 2019
That was the first op, Bamboo, yes. Then I had a slightly more serious detached retina, and got sent home twice by Moorfields although it was ‘urgent’. They put me on a waiting list saying priority was being given to patients with a better chance of success! So in despair we decided to throw our health insurance into the mix, although they “don’t like London prices”. You couldn’t make it up . . .🙂
5 Dec, 2019
Well thank heavens you had medical insurance, even if they complained about the cost. The state of the NHS these days is very worrying...
5 Dec, 2019
You’re right, and we are lucky. Sending you a PM.
5 Dec, 2019
If you are going to prune heavily, then I would go for the 'pruning after flowering' method. I have one in my front garden and I only very lightly prune in the late autumn to keep the shape. So I would leave it for now.
4 Dec, 2019