By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I give up. Just begun going through the Show Auriculas and I reckon every one is rootless because of Vine weevils. I cannot afford to throw them all away and start again. I cannot afford to throw away all that compost and re=pot. I am totally fed up so I am thinking of throwing them all away and growing something else.
Suggestions (must be vine weevil proof, so no Hostas, Saxifrages, Cyclamen, Epimedium etc.)appreciated.
Or dismantle the theatre and give the wood to neighbour as kindling?
4 Dec, 2019
They have been soaked in supposed Vine weevil killing chemicals at least twice and the compost contained some very expensive stuff which was supposed to kill off the grubs.
We don't actually have an oven at present, the one which came with the new bungalow does not work. Not sure the Boss would let me put soil in it in any case.
I am going to try soaking the compost with Provado first before re-using it. May even put the flame gun over it as well.
4 Dec, 2019
OB, I have been suffering from the dreaded vine weevil over the last few years. I have given up growing Heucheras and Primulas in my containers. I have had some success using Provado Vine Weevil Killer though. I renewed the compost in my baskets this autumn as I found the little devils in the compost. At the moment, all the old compost is sitting in sealed bags while I decide what to do with it. I wondered if you could sterilize the old compost in a microwave. Possibly a lot cheaper that using an oven but depends on how much compost we are talking about. Just as an aside. Some members who are of a certain age can remember the time when Vine Weevil were unheard of or is just wishful thinking.
4 Dec, 2019
Blame the Nursery trade especially foreign ones. Vine weevils were a Southern Europe pest mostly, brought in with peat based composts used for the plant trade in the Netherlands and Denmark.
We are talking a lot of compost here, I have over 80 Auriculas, in 6 inch pots, all of which need re-potting in fresh compost. Gets a bit expensive.
Not sure I have the heart to do it. Soul destroying really.
4 Dec, 2019
I could weep for you Owdboggy. Only the other day was wondering how you were getting on - seems a while since you posted an update. Never imagined anything like this. Hope the suggested treatments will work.
4 Dec, 2019
So sorry to hear of your Auriculas disaster. Horrible losing a precious collection like that. I hope the treatments will work for you. How about starting a nice Fuchsia collection like Hywel has? Mind you the little blighters will munch through any roots.
6 Dec, 2019
That is so hard for you Owdboggy - I really feel for you. And if anyone says “they’re only plants” I will thump them on your behalf 🙂
6 Dec, 2019
Feverfew. Our neighbour tells us that he used to grow lots of Fuchsias (and Primula and Begonia) but he has had to stop as they all ended up rootless in the garden. I have a horrible feeling from what he said that Vine weevils are endemic to this garden. Certainly the Rododendrons and Laurels all have plenty of notched leaves, which is the trademark sign of the adults.
Anyone ever seen the grubs eating Dianthus roots?
They are only plants,Shelia, but at an approximate cost to replace, like with like, at getting on for £350 + compost, it is a bit beyond what I am prepared to spend.
6 Dec, 2019
Sounds like a wholesale order of Provado....
6 Dec, 2019
I've not lost any dianthus even though I do sometimes find vine weevil in pots of asters as well as Primula, Fuchsia and Heuchera.
like you owd I do find the tell tale signs of adults having a nibble.
7 Dec, 2019
The Vine weevil killing form of Provado is no longer sold.
I think in Spring I will treat myself to some of the Nematodes and see if they have any effect.
7 Dec, 2019
It is heartbreaking for you - all I can do is wish you luck for overcoming such a distressing problem.
7 Dec, 2019
How soul destroying, Owdboggy.. I just hope and pray you get this sorted.
8 Dec, 2019
Taken this long for the plants to become dry enough to drench them again. So Neem oil at the recommended rate (4 teaspoons to a gallon of soapy water). Now it is a question of wait and see. I did drop 4 vine weevil grubs into a drop of the liquid and they seem to have died, so fingers crossed it has the same effect on the root aphids.
Watch this space.
6 Jan, 2020
Didn't know Provado has been withdrawn. I feel just as bad abut nemotodes - Imagine being eaten slowly by tiny little worms.
6 Jan, 2020
Well, I have just binned all my Auriculas. Totally riddled with root aphids. Going to grow something else on the Theatre. Dianthus maybe.
9 Aug, 2020
oh that is so disappointing for you. I had hoped you were going to have good news for us.
9 Aug, 2020
Oh no how demoralising and devastating for you.
You can salvage the compost by popping it in the oven at 120c gas mark 1 for at least an hr. it will smell a bit but any eggs or small missed grubs will be killed. check it for worms and save them. then the compost will be usable. you will need to add fertilizer at some point though.
I've rescued an old 1930's Heuchera many times from vine weevil. [and a pretty auricular]. obs check the stems for any burrowing grubs then repot and they usually grow fresh roots. don't know if they root in water but surely its worth a try.
come the spring invest in provado vw solution to water in.
4 Dec, 2019