United Kingdom
Can I grow a hawthorn hedging plant as a stand-alone shrub?
1 Feb, 2020
O thankyou SBG. I'm so pleased that I can do that and I wouldn't mind a small tree either. In my twenties I rented a cottage with a hawthorn hedge and the scent brings back memories Also it's native and good for wildlife. Perfect.
1 Feb, 2020
You are definitely right about the benefit to wildlife! The birds will absolutely love it.I planted one a few years ago and it is used as a refuge in between trips to the bird feeders and as a comparatively safe roosting place. I love to hear the sparrows chattering in there at dusk. There are insects for their young in spring, wonderful blossom for the bees followed by valuable berries for the blackbirds and starlings. Hawthorns are so easy to grow and can look after themselves. They will grow into a graceful tree if you have room or remain cheerful under a yearly pruning as an individual bush or as a hedge.
2 Feb, 2020
Pennyfarthing, thankyou for your comments . I wouldn't mind another tree in the garden, especially hawthorn, if I can find a suitable place. I try to plant for wildlife these days and have a rather untidy-looking garden as a result, but I always remember Bill Oddie saying 'say yes to mess' when he was presenting Springwatch. So I do!
4 Feb, 2020
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« I've just bought some foxglove and hollyhock plants. Is it too early to plant...
yes you can. hawthorns are small trees and if you prune it will stay shrub sized. A hedge is just several trees pruned to keep them small.
1 Feb, 2020