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By Hywel

Carmarthenshire, Wales

What should I do with this huge Penstemon. As you can see it is taller than the garden fork. I'm afraid to cut it back because I've never had much success with them in the past. Should I prune it, and how much. Also could I move it to a different location in the garden ?



It is very easy to take cuttings from, Hywel. Meanwhile you can cut it down by half then when danger from frost is past, cut it down to 6 - 8”. It will be fine.

27 Mar, 2020


I totally agree. If you look towards the base you may see new growth if you can cut it to about 12" above that to protect shoots from frost.

You can take cuttings from the softer top growth really easily.

27 Mar, 2020


Thank you both, I shall take your advice :)

29 Mar, 2020


You’re very welcome Hywel. It was nice for me to see a question I could answer!

29 Mar, 2020



29 Mar, 2020

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